Usually, when you are in an accident, there are numerous steps you have to take to get your car back on the road and your life back in order. But there are also times where no one is hurt and damage is minimal. When you are in one of these accidents, it is very easy to leave the insurance companies out of the process and handle things on your own. But what about the damage to your vehicle? Even if everything appears cosmetic and superficial, is there ever a good time for do it yourself bumper repair?
The thing about going the DIY route for minor repairs is that just going on looks doesn’t always give you the full story. Sure, there are kits that make it easy to fix a bumper or pull out a dent, and these would appear to save you time and money by not hiring a professional, but what about potential damage you can’t see?
Cars are built with certain safety redundancies that we don’t see with the naked eye. They have crumple zones that are designed to absorb impact in a way that protects the passengers. They are part of the framework of your car.
Even if the accident didn’t “feel like” anything happened, you want the peace of mind of knowing that everything is still intact. In other words, it’s not the last accident you have to worry about; it’s the next one.
It is at a time like this when the Wreck Check Car Scan at Medines Collision Center becomes a very valuable asset. The one thing that you won’t find in a do it yourself kit is peace of mind. That comes from the thorough inspection you get from Wreck Check, and Medines has the only certified Wreck Check Car Scan Center in the state of Louisiana.
The bottom line is the damage can’t see can still hurt you. So if you were in a minor accident and decided to tackle the repairs yourself, or if you went to another shop and don’t feel confident with the job they did, you can still get the peace of mind you need to drive with confidence. If you have any questions about Wreck Check, or want to schedule an appointment, give us a call at Medines and we’ll be happy to help.
Get your free estimate from Medine Collision today.